As theatre artists, we tell stories; we strive to build bridges and empathy between our audiences and others that do not look, pray, identify, live, or love the same way we do. The Wildwood Theatre shares these diverse perspectives which are present in the communities we serve through our art.
We explicitly ask our audiences to stand with those fighting against systemic racism in policing and in society at large. The violence against George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, and many others for hundreds of years are tragedies that point to ongoing and unaddressed failures within our nation.
Empathy is merely a step. Accountability is demanded. Action is required.
The Wildwood Theatre believes in accessibility and radical inclusivity. We are committed to combating systemic racism, unconscious or conscious biases, white supremacy, and discrimination within our organization and the populations we serve.
To our Black, Brown, Indigenous, POC, artists, colleagues, and patrons, we stand with you. We commit to implementing the following actions, systems, and protocols within our organization.
Wildwood Theatre fully recognizes that BIPOC stories cannot be told without the involvement of BIPOC artists. We have no authority to tell stories that do not belong to us. As we are committed to refocusing the content of our stories to celebrate BIPOC voices, we guarantee that we will produce these works with BIPOC artists in positions of creative control.
BIPOC artists’ perspective, artistry, and skill are valuable in all stories, not just those that specifically speak to their experience. We are committed to hiring BIPOC artists for every show in our season. We are monitoring our progress in this goal and setting up a means by which to hold ourselves accountable. Data surrounding these efforts will be updated and made publicly available on our website and in our annual reports.
In planning our seasons, we are committed to continually expanding representation, not just repeating the same stories over and over again. In discussions about potential season selections, we are prioritizing plays that tell a story reflective of the whole human experience: joy, hope, loss, and heartache, rather than focusing solely on the ever-present trauma and pain within the BIPOC experience...
When programming BIPOC stories, we fully commit to honoring the cultural specificity of those stories. A white director will never be hired to tell a story that does not belong to them. The director must share a cultural context with the work being produced.
If a BIPOC director does not feel that the story they are helping bring to life aligns with their personal experience, we will hire a credible cultural consultant.
The Wildwood Theatre will hire intimacy directors for specific shows where there are traumatic or extended moments of intimacy. In plays that do not require the same level of attention, we commit to equipping directors/stage managers with proper IDI knowledge so that they may implement IDI principles wherever relevant. (Intercultural Development Inventory)
In the telling of BIPOC stories, the creative ideas of our white administrators will never presume to supersede those of BIPOC directors, designers, or performers. We aim only to present a platform for BIPOC artists to tell their own stories. It will never be our intention to dictate how those stories should be told.
When programming BIPOC stories, we recognize the importance of centering cultural specificity in every aspect of development. No part of pre-production, the rehearsal process, marketing, literary management, in-house dramaturgy, community and audience engagement, or audience development will be handled without the careful consideration and involvement of the culture of those whose stories we are telling.
Wildwood Theatre commits to the artistic continuance of BIPOC work in our productions. We further commit that BIPOC work will not be changed or altered in any way once a production’s run begins.
The Wildwood is committed to building our board of directors (Sages) to accurately reflect the communities we serve and will continue this effort until our board demonstrates the standing excellence of BIPOC leadership.
The Wildwood Theatre commits to maintaining our strict Anti-Discrimination & Harassment Policy as well as an Anti-Racism Policy. These policies have been adopted to apply to the board as well.
The Wildwood commits to continuing our practice of eliminating minimum financial gifts for board membership. Our Board members are expected to play an active role in assisting the staff in securing financial resources necessary for The Wildwood to achieve its mission. Board members are expected to leverage personal relationships and connections to help the development committee and staff identify and solicit potential investors. The Wildwood acknowledges that there are many valuable ways to invest, not all of which are financial. While The Wildwood requires support from its board of directors, the amount or value of that investment is not specified and there is no mandatory financial minimum for said gift, service, or act.
The contact information of a board representative will be included on all contact sheets to give creative personnel access to the board on an as-needed basis.
No racially charged language or labels will be tolerated in the workplace or on any tours by creatives, casts, or management including but not limited to BIPOC actor’s appearance or matters surrounding the lighting of BIPOC bodies on stage.
All occasions where such language is used will result in the immediate dismissal of the offending party from the event, rehearsal, or meeting. The matter will be reported immediately and appropriate action will be taken per our Anti-Harassment and Discrimination Policies. Such action can and would result in complete termination of the contract and dismissal from the project where appropriate.
Wildwood Theatre acknowledges that systemic racism places additional barriers before BIPOC artists within the education system and previous technical experience may not have been accessible.
Wildwood Theatre stands by its practice of allowing each candidate’s merits to speak for themselves, free of the association from hierarchical and exclusionary criteria, such as where they went to school or whether they have associated with an institution we admire. This same standard applies to the technical requirements of the job, previous experience is not required and all training will be provided to all parties within the process so that all can be effective and efficient at their technical responsibilities.
All policies are available on our website.
All policies are presented in digital form to all who are contracted to work with our organization and summarized at relevant gatherings such as board meetings, administrative meetings, and first rehearsals.
All policies are offered in other formats as requested.
Board members’ affiliations with corporations and other nonprofit organizations will be listed in their bio.
Wildwood Theatre does not fundraise from any specific community for projects. We will continue to fund all projects with the company’s operational fund.
The Wildwood has never asked any tribal nations to donate money to produce their work. We commit to continue to stand against this practice.
The Wildwood will directly invite BIPOC individuals to apply for leadership positions.
All Wildwood Theatre policies are “living policies” and can be updated at any time to best reflect the values and actions we uphold.
The Wildwood will strive for equitable payment standards for all artists.
The Wildwood Theatre does not have full-time or part-time employees; all administrators/ Artists are freelance contractors.
Wildwood Theatre guarantees that no contractor will receive disproportionately more favorable financial compensation than other artists in the same tier of employment or contract. If the stipend provided to one member of a tier increases for any reason, the stipend of all artists under that tier contract will be raised to match.
The Wildwood will not put pressure on any BIPOC artist or staff member to assist with marketing, fundraising, etc. without proper compensation and credit. The Wildwood Theatre has always valued and paid artists for their time and work to the greatest extent possible by our budget. We will always pay our artists and workers for their time and expertise.
The Wildwood Theatre will never hire unpaid Interns.